Young Dempsey Productions is the company behind National Boxing Hall of Fame that handles the website, media and anything in regards to technology and creativity. The company is also owned by Drewin Young, the son to NBHOF founders Bill & Linda. Young Dempsey Productions currently is in the process of exploring some incredible opportunities related to the world of boxing and film. More to come on that!
To learn more about what Young Dempsey Productions is doing in the world of boxing and film, click on the button to explore the YDP website!
"In Your Corner" is a branch within National Boxing Hall of Fame that helps to promote physical & mental health for our boxing community. Click on the button to visit our website for more info.
Eva was inducted into the National Boxing Hall of Fame in 2022 (Trilogy Event). After learning details of her amazing story, NBHOF decided that revealing her story to the world would be needed, especially for our youth. This the FIRST documentary to come out of the NBHOF organization. Click on the button to learn more about this incredible project!
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